Saturday, January 31, 2009


So I'm making my plan to do the Raw food for 30 days (minimum) I am planning to start 2/2/09, so everyone wish me luck :) Insha'allah

Monday, January 19, 2009


Okay so I'm relaxing Sunday evening watching a little tv and my receiver says system fail. I politely call Dish Network and say something is wrong with my system. Well we go through all of the major points that I need to check and they resolve to send out a technician. I go outside to see if it is anything I need to do and what do I see????? NOTHING!!! Some **********has stolen my satellite dish. :(

Thursday, December 25, 2008

I Sewed it :)

Yeah!!!!! So for many of you this is not a big deal but for me it is. I finally pieced something together. A friend of mine made the pattern and pieced part of it together for me, but I, sewing handicap put the rest together. I even cut and added more fabric to what I needed for length and width ( I don't like my clothes to fit snug, as I have to bend and move a lot for work so I don't want to reveal anything.) But hurray I did it and it only took me seven hours to finish it.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Today was a pleasant day and tonight I will receive a certificate for volunteering for the CASA program.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What is really going on.....

Today I started out having a beautiful day and I thought that it would stay that way. I went to my first Yoga class and really enjoined myself. I was so relaxed that I almost fell asleep. I took my little sister and I felt that by starting her off doing Yoga it would help her long term and she would benefit from this. After class we went to lunch and we had a pleasurable afternoon. The PROBLEM.... is my sister doesn't say she doesn't know how to do something she just guesses. Well this afternoon she had her exams online and failed them miserably. The test was to gauge where she was at on her grade level. She was to practice first before doing them and didn't. When I asked her why she didn't follow the directions I gave her, she just shrugged her shoulders and said she forgot.......needless to say I'm very angry and tensed back up :(

Oh and for some reason I couldn't get my email out correctly....Can you say Stressed!!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008


Today I have made a big step with making changes in my life. First, I have made it a point to grow spiritually. My next step is to change my diet. How I perceive things to be and what I want them to be I have acknowledge is a whole new thing. So with that being said I made today for dinner

Basmati rice, Chaana Dal, Spinach soup, and fruit for dinner. I have planned out my menu for the month and I will be starting Yoga in the morning (Insha'allah).

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Yes today is a specific day that is given to US citizens to celebrate as being thankful, but I don't need a particular day to be thankful, I am thankful everyday. Each day that I awake I am happy and thankful that I'm allowed to awake, have a roof over my head, have some money, and food in my home.